okay, we made a lot of progress today guys! Way to go! Now that we each have our parts recorded, we can begin editing. We have the summary recorded. Will, Katie and i just split it in half and turned it in so we could go ahead and begin the video and get that part done. Abbey if you can go ahead and start piecing it all together, that would be wonderful. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
Also, Katie and I went to the AKL Hunger Games today. We got a couple of interviews and some footage of the games. We also can do another recording recapping those if we need/want to add a segment about the social aspect of the Hunger Games into our video. Depending on how much time our video already takes up, we can decide, but Katie and I do have the information and clips to do that with.
I am also going to start putting names and things together for the credits. In the credits we need to put the names of the people we interviewed (if we dont know the names, idk what to do, maybe have to redo interviews with people we actually know) , the names of the websites out information is coming from and so on. I can begin that and each of you will have to add what i do not know.
Also, we will need a work cited page. Katie has already done our summary, so Will maybe you could use my credits to put together an MLA work cited page to go in our portfolio?? Please :)
Any work you have that is a document or anything that we have a hard copy of can be brought when we meet again to be put in the portfolio. We have started it already! :)
Cannot wait to see the finished product. Keep up the good work guys! We are in the home stretch!!! :) :) :)
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