Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 2 Post 2 -Katie

When we met with Prof. Battista, he made a good point. He told us that we had a good idea but what was our approach or main point of this review?

Made the movie enjoyable for ALL audiences
-Those who read the book
-Those who did not read the book
-Men and women
-People of all ages

 (: Keep up the good work!


  1. I thought the point of the project was to critique something. So I thought we were critiquing the movie using other peoples opinions mixed with our own?

  2. I think what he means is that we have to critique it, but have a final solid message?
    Like we can say "there is a problem here, but overall this movie is good and would be enjoyable to all audiences".

    And so sorry I missed the meeting Friday! I completely forgot about it Dx I've got so many projects going on, I got mixed up with what was when!
